Saturday, June 4, 2011


Good day, readers!
I've started this blog to tell stories: past and present (dare I say future?), talk about ideas and generally get things off my chest.  It's my first attempt at a real grown up (ha!) blog.  If you are easily unsettled by graphic tales of womanhood, by all means read on and follow my adventures in blogging, because you should probably grow a pair.

My journal will have gaps and inaccuracies but that's part of the beauty of the thing, in theory.  As I write this I am sitting on four sets of stitches - every few seconds sneaking a guilty glance at my 6 day old daughter, who is laying quietly in the ("chair of neglect") baby swing to the simulated sound of a mother's heartbeat.  How I got to be at this place in time is another story, for another blog. 

For now I'd best go scoop up the pretty bird and get on with some mothering.
Until next time....
(pictured as pregnant and swollen faced) 
- Kelly

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